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Type of Business Entities : Singapore Private Limited Company
One of the major advantages of a limited company is that the shareholders are not liable for the company's debts beyond the amount of share capital they have subscribed, provided there has been no deceit, fraud or malpractice.
Another advantage of such a company is that it is easy to transfer the ownership, either wholly or partially, through the selling of all or part of its total shares, or through the issue of new shares to additional investors. There is no need to wind up the company in the event of deaths, or changes amongst the shareholders or directors. In Singapore, a company can be incorporated in one of the following ways: There are two types of Private Companies Limited by Shares Private Company This is a locally incorporated company where the number of shareholders is limited to 50. Exempt Private Company An exempt private company is a private limited company, of which all shares are not held directly or indirectly by any corporation (i.e. another limited company), and which has not more than 20 members. An exempt private company need not file its annual accounts with the ACRA for the information of the public as long as the company files a Certificate of an Exempt Private Company, that the company is able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due. Advantages
What are the different types of Business Entity in Singapore?
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